Noble Dome Air-Free Transfer System

The Noble Dome introduces a valuable advancement in microanalysis techniques by attaching a glove box directly to a SEM/FIB. While traditional loading methods expose samples to atmosphere during transfer, the Noble Dome preserves the integrity of air-sensitive materials by transferring them in and out of an instrument in an oxygen-free environment. This attachment addresses the challenge of loading air-sensitive samples into instruments with a practical and innovative approach, eliminating restrictions on sample size, stage navigation, and the need for an intermediary glove box or inert gas transfer shuttle.   

The Noble Dome was invented and prototyped at CAMCOR at the University of Oregon with a patent pending. 

Image ThermoFisher Scientific Helios Hydra Multi-Ion Species Plasma FIB-SEM with the Noble Dome Air-Free Transfer System attached.

Typical Applications 

  • Battery research 
  • Samples containing highly reactive and air-sensitive materials (e.g. lithium or sodium) 
  • Hazardous materials handling 
  • Environmental simulation studies 
  • Sterile sample workspace investigations 
A scientist uses the Noble Dome's built-in gloves to manipulate an object inside the closed dome.
  • Transparent, air-tight dome with gloves for sample manipulation 
  • Inlet valves for introducing gas 
  • Pressure gauge and over-pressure/relief valve (can be connected to house exhaust)
  • Bluetooth connected oxygen and moisture sensor 
  • Airtight chamber with room for sample prep, stage mounting tools, transfer systems, and other accessories 
  • Rotatable hemispherical top section allowing for variance in orientation of the operator's station 
  • Modified venting system for the FIB/SEM (utilizes argon rather than nitrogen) 


Experimental Results 

EDS measurements for oxygen on lithium metal 

To test Noble Dome’s ability to protect samples from atmosphere, the same location on a lithium metal sample was imaged and analyzed with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) when it was in a pristine state, after sitting in an argon environment in Noble Dome for 30 minutes, and after sitting in atmosphere for 30 minutes. Very little change was seen in the surface topography and oxygen counts between the sample in its pristine state and after having sat in the Noble Dome for 30 minutes, however a marked increase in surface oxidation and topography was observed after the sample had sat in atmosphere for 30 minutes.  

Pristine sample

Image A secondary electron image of a pristine piece of lithium metal showing minimal topography. The scale bar reads 25 micrometers.
SE image
Image The same piece of pristine lithium metal with oxygen EDS counts displayed, showing little oxidation has occurred.
Oxygen EDS map (each yellow pixel represents a count of oxygen)

Sample after sitting in Noble Dome for 30 minutes

Image A secondary electron image of the same piece of lithium metal after sitting in the Noble Dome for 30 minutes, showing that the topography looks relatively unchanged from its pristine state.
SE image
Image The same piece of pristine lithium metal with oxygen EDS counts displayed, showing little oxidation has occurred.
Oxygen EDS map (each yellow pixel represents a count of oxygen)

Sample after sitting in atmosphere for 30 minutes

Image A secondary electron image of the same piece of lithium metal after sitting in air for 30 minutes, showing that the topography has now changed.
SE image
Image The same piece of lithium metal with oxygen EDS counts displayed, showing significant surface oxidation has occurred after sitting in air.
Oxygen EDS map (each yellow pixel represents a count of oxygen) 


Instrument Contact: Valerie Brogden