Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) is an advanced imaging and analysis technique used extensively in materials science and biological research. It combines the capabilities of a FIB and a SEM to provide high-resolution 3D imaging and precise material characterization. The FIB allows for site-specific material removal/deposition for cross sectioning, preparing TEM or atom probe samples, nano-prototyping, and circuit editing. The SEM component offers high-resolution imaging of the sample's surface, creating a powerful tool for analyzing microstructures and nanostructures with exceptional precision.
Typical Applications
- Site specific preparation of cross sections for high-resolution SEM and TEM analysis
- Deposition of metal contacts to devices
- SEM and ion beam imaging of substrates

ThermoFisher Scientific Helios Hydra Multi-Ion Species Plasma FIB-SEM
- Multi-ion species (argon, nitrogen, oxygen, and xenon) dual beam FIB/SEM
- Higher current capabilities, compared to a gallium tool, allowing for rapid milling through a wide array of materials
- Large-area cross-sectioning/bulk material removal
- Serial FIB milling with slice and view for 3D reconstructions, ability to collect EDS data with slice and view
- Maps software for large area, high-resolution imaging
- Oxygen ion milling for artifact-free cuts through biological tissue and other organics
- EBSD and EDS detectors
- EasyliftTM micromanipulator for in-situ sample manipulation
- Electron flood gun charge neutralizer to assist in milling insulation substrates
- iFastTM software for writing custom automation scripts
- STEM, Thru-lens immersion, Everhart-Thornley, CDEM, and CBS detectors
- Drift-corrected frame integration imaging

FEI Helios 600i FIB-SEM
- Field emission electron and ion beam sources, allowing high-resolution SEM imaging and excellent ion beam density
- EasyliftTM micromanipulator for in-situ sample manipulation
- Electron flood gun charge neutralizer to assist in milling insulation substrates
- Quorum cryo transfer system for beam sensitive materials such as polymers or biological specimens
- Gas injection systems to assist with electron/ion beam metal deposition, and ion milling applications (Pt, insulator enhanced etch (XeF2), selective carbon mill, and carbon)
- 5-axes eucentric stage
- 16-bit patterning system
- STEM, Thru-lens immersion, Everhart-Thornley, CDEM, and CBS detectors
- Drift-corrected frame integration imaging
- Maps software for large area, high-resolution imaging
- Slice and View software for 3D reconstructions
- iFastTM software for writing custom automation scripts
Instrument Contact: Valerie Brogden